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Hive Book Club Introduction


I was introduced to Hive and PeakD through the Splinterlands game. If any of you have any interest in trading card games it's worth checking out, here's my affiliate link

Favorite types of books

My favorite books are generally science fiction and fantasy. I also enjoy a lot of young adult fiction, comedy and historical fiction. I read a lot of books with my kids and will try to include some reviews of those books too because it comes up. My kids are young enough that pictures are still very important to them and let's face it they're not likely to post book reviews any time soon.

Where I find books to read

My favorite sources for finding books are friends. One of my old roommates married a girl that enjoys a lot of the same types of books that I do. She's an avid reader and does a great job of documenting what she reads on I also have a cousin that recommends a lot of books that I've enjoyed.
In addition to friends I like to go to the library and used book stores. I enjoy books on paper and audio books. I used to spend a huge amount of time commuting and was able to get through a ton of audio books that way. Frequently I'll see books referenced in other books or shows and often end up looking those up.

I'll include links to pick up the books that I talk about on Amazon which is probably my preferred place to get new books. I don't mind putting used books to work, so I'll often get those at used book stores and on . With ebay I occasionally wind up with books that were library copies. I'm hoping they weren't stolen, but sometimes wonder.

Biggest reading accomplishments

The single biggest one that I'm probably most proud of is the Wheel of Time series. I'm so excited to have this set finally being adapted to the screen with the Amazon Prime series. They've been heavily truncated as many shows are, but they've done a fantastic job.
Dune. I read all 6 by Frank Herbert along with the 2 that were written by his son Brian based on his notes for book 7. I'll give my own take about which ones I recommend. The most common recommendation that I see it to just ready book 1 or the 6 by Frank Herbert. I wasn't that impressed by the books that Brian has done and I wasn't that impressed with books 2, 5 and 6 by Frank Herbert, so I would actually recommend reading the first 4 by Frank Herbert. Just know that while you're reading Dune Messiah, it gets better and God Emperor of Dune is a good stopping place.

Favorite books, series and authors

Jonathan Livingston seagull

Project Hail Mary

The Beyonders trilogy

Michael Lewis

Brandon Mull

Brandon Sanderson

Dennis Taylor

I realize the list is short. There are certainly plenty that I’m leaving out. I would love to hear back from the community about similar books and authors especially from any of you that have similar interests. I love to get comments on my posts and to be part of an interactive community.

I am hoping to share plenty of book reviews. What sort of information do you like to see included in book reviews? I’m hoping to keep them fairly short and sweet. Maybe a brief plot, a favorite part and a rating. Anyone have thoughts on sharing spoilers? I’m leaning towards not sharing them but I can see where it might be exciting to do on occasion.

I love reading, but don't completely love writing. That being said I would like to improve my writing. If you have any recommendations for ways to improve my posts, please share them. I hope this post has been helpful and informative. Thanks for reading and thanks for all the upvotes, reblogs, comments and follows.