Scholar and Scribe Book Review || My Ride

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This is my first book review, outside the classroom anyway, so I crave your indulgence as I may not use the right words and book review techniques, but I’m willing to give it a try. I hope you enjoy it.

When I decided to review this book, I’ll admit to being terrified. For one, the book had eleven parts and I was like, I could never. I resolved to look for something shorter but stopped myself at the last minute. I was willing to challenge myself. I started reading the first part, and I tell you, I’ve never gone through a book series so quickly in my life. From the first part, I was immersed and I didn’t realize when I got through all eleven parts of this book.

Let me get to the review because it’s getting difficult to stop myself from rambling. The title of this series is My Ride by our very own @wrestlingdesires. I think saying it has eleven parts may sound intimidating so you can think of it as eleven chapters. Each chapter is not that long, but even if it is, trust me you wouldn’t notice after the first chapter.

It’s an Inter-dimensional travel tale. And when I skimmed through the first part initially, I thought it would be some shallow Freaky Friday tale, but it turned out to be way deeper and ten times more intriguing. Larry Fisher and Mike Gates, are two different men, with the same face, and similar memories but live in two different times. It’s like a parallel world but only that one world is about fifty years or more ahead of the other.

They get themselves entangled by the machinations of two extremely greedy and conniving men in the present world and end up switching worlds. Since it’s a parallel universe, they meet their loved ones and in some cases, recognize them but their memories of those people are jumbled from a different time and they even have different names!

There is one common factor in both worlds though. Each double has more or less the same personality. We’re mostly used to seeing doubles from parallel universes being polar opposites in character and personality, but in this series, the good remain good, and the crafty is still crafty. This brings me to talk about my favourite character in the book, Blake.

Blake, also known as Davy in the other universe symbolizes that friend you would most definitely call your ride or die. His character is smart, witty and most of all, compassionate. His gallant way of going about things even amidst danger is most commendable. And his unconditional love for his friend, who he could have just abandoned but instead goes the extra mile and in actuality, crosses to another world for, braving the wiles and schemes of the evil perpetrators depicts what true friendship is all about.

The suspense in this book is palpable, so tangible you could almost touch it. I was at the edge of my seat at every turn, wondering what would happen next. Smiling when it looked like the good guys had it together and widening my eyes in trepidation when the bad guys seemed to have the upper hand. I don't know exactly what was the author's inspiration in writing this book but I would love to be in her mind, flowing with the whirlwind of imagination and possibilities writing it must have given her.

This book opens our minds to the beauty of well-made connections. With easy-to-understand wordings, and a purely artistic plot, we are made to be a part of the writer's mind and realize that pure tact is needed when facing an enemy, and the combination of forces even with the oddest people will surely secure victory in the end.

I would love to do a part-by-part review of this book, but with my excitement, and because each part is short, I may completely spill the beans and there wouldn’t be a need to read the actual book. Now, where’s the fun in that? But if you’re looking for an excellent read that combines suspense, wit, intrigue, sci-fi, pure drama and the indisputable element of a surprise into a wonderful imaginative mix, My Ride by @wrestlingdesires is the book for you. A definite must-read.

You can find the list of the eleven parts of this series here.I would love to know your thoughts and feedback as your delve into this most thrilling series. So go knock yourself out guys, it’ll definitely be worth your time.😁❤️

I want to give my special appreciation to @wrestlingdesires for sharing this beautiful story on Hive. It was a huge honour reviewing it. I hope to hear your feedback on the review or corrections in places I didn’t interpret correctly. This post is my entry to the Hive Book Club and Scholar&Scribes challenge with the collaboration of Dreemport. You’re invited to join.

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