Why do you read ? Here is mine

Good day guys, here is a post I really took time making, I hope it satisfying all bibliophiles here, I have done a little research to help me express more to you guys, please don't mind the cover photo, with no delay let's go.


  • Reading as a way of learning in ancient times
  • What it means to read/study
  • Different categories of books
  • The first book
  • Importance of reading
  • Why join a bookclub ?
  • My encouragement to you.

Reading as a way of learning in ancient times

Many of us a bibliophiles might know this, some might not, but let's all understand how reading occur and how it becomes a tool for learning, it's just simply understanding the evolution of reading.

Reading and writing are twins, seeing reading is the action of making meaning of written symbols, which is writing, am sure you get the scope, so here it goes, the origin of reading can be traced back to the 4th millennium BCE, in mesopotamia an unknown individual used some squiggles on clay to represent a goat and an ox and this eventually lead to reading. Writing was used in ancient time for recording various knowledge over the years, which made reading the act of learning, seeing people could teach people about the ox or goat, or plotting a hunter without actually see the live animal, that's the whole genesis of reading, I will love to see your opinion below.

what it means to read/study

I just added this heading to help young ones on this platform realize reading doesn't necessarily mean your studying, like you don't study romantic novels, you read them for pleasure sake,

Reading is simply making meaning of written symbols, while studying is reading in details with the major intention of learning.


Different categories of books

They are various categories of books in the world from fiction to history, horror and many more you can mention, sorry about this though I will be taking only three,

Generally fiction are stories usually not real that is, it's not an assured event that happened in the past but a work expressing a writers thoughts, it's all imagination, sometimes might be able if happening, but not all of them.

  • Romance: a branch if writing that deals with emotional connection between various genders be it heterosexual or homosexual. It's actually possible in the real world.

  • Action adventures: a branch or writing that deals with the darey aspect of people, most times it contains some impossible traits, it expresses little dear and extreme boldness, they are heart thrilling, most challenges are physical than emotional.

  • Fantasy: As the name implies they are all impossible to happen in the real word, but they have a great connection with the mind and tend to release dopamine than any other branch.

  • Sci fiction: They are based on science, as the name says they are mostly impossible but with the advancement of technology, so can be actualized, nevertheless they aren't real like dinosaur in movies, they are mostly science fiction.

They are written events that have occured in life, they are a record of human action and how it affects us in general either good or bad, they are mostly used for research purposes.

  • History: This is simply the records of past major events, like a countries independence, the declaration of nuclear weapons and many more, no doubt they help is understand man, he's origin and where he might likely end.

  • Biography: is a writing about an individual's life display his traits, showing you the effect of every action he took, especially describe a kind of person that individual might he.

  • Journalism: simply have to do with writer ups that deal with news, it deals on making awareness about the society to everyone.

  • Academic texts: this are books we use to acquire higher learning, that's is a degree or certificate of any kind they are books like physics, chemistry and many more.

Self help books
This are books aimed at improving ones morals, or helping them attain a certain level of understanding about themselves and teaches an opportunity to become better, this is my favorite category of all, they have a way they touch my soul.

  • Relationship books: They are books created to advise the unmarried on how to date, understand thier partner and have a healthy relationship not an abusive one, they give insight on married life and how to go about yours.

  • Motivational books: They are books aimed at increasing your dopamine to get you to your desired level, they give you this kind of feeling, that makes everything feels easy which helps you achieve a lot.

  • Time management books: they are books aimed at helping individuals and businesses utilize their time effectively to produce maximum potential or make potential progress.

  • Personal transformation: they aim at change each an every aspect of your life with simple steps, they are quite a read I promise, they have a way of opening your eyes to things you didn't notice example; Atomic habits by James Clear


The first book

Am sure most if you read this article just to know what the first book written was, I got to say I was shocked when I found out, because I saw it in an anime series so to say, but still let's start from the start .

It is an epic mythical take shared about an important political figure, a demi-god.

The first book is;

"The epic of Gilgamesh"
—---------by sîn-lēqi-unninni

It was said to be written between c.1600 - c.1155 BC, it was a book about a demi-god, Gilgamesh who befriended the wild Enkidu, it's one that describes the life if Gilgamesh and his pursuit for immortality and him realize it was beyond his reach. It was composed in babylon.

Importance of reading

They are various importance of reading and they are,

  • It's a tool for learning new things
  • It gives an understanding of what we see around us.
  • It helps you attain your goals, whatever they may be.
  • It helps in growing businesses through understanding their clients.
  • It is the origin of education as a whole.
  • It satisfies curiousness as a whole.
  • It is the base if every research.

Why join a bookclub ?

A bookclub is a community of readers, just as we have the church a community if believers christ, which am really proud of by the way, it's a community that shares this values and norms nurturing younf readers I to being great ones, an idea place, where you feel accepted for being a string bibliophile. Here are why;

  • They help to motivate you to read more
  • They help you keep a good reading schedule and accomplish your reading goals.
  • They help you understand more on concepts you couldn't relate to.
  • They give you the sense of acceptance
  • They help in creating long lasting relationships of different kinds.

My encouragement to you all

I will tell you every great step happens little, I wasn't much of a reader growing up, you all know my story from the first post I made about the books I read in 2022 a contest, I think I should dedicate a post to that, it was my sister who convinced me and now I search the web for more, although I haven't gotten to my desired reading height, but I know we would get there, let's start reading, remember one page isn't too small.

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