Installing a mini Library in my room. (Before and After)

I have always loved reading and this caught my big Aunty's attention (Aunty Rachael). She studied in Germany and when she was back in my country (Nigeria) she was working in a library. Most of the books I read were my textbook and a short story-like novella. When she knew I love to read, she started bringing novels and other books for me and I would read them in a week but the backside to it is that I have to return those books for me to get another one.

These books have been with me since 2013 and I can't bring myself to give them out or throw them away. So I got a table to put my books on it

Since there is a lot of space on it, my brother turned the table into a place he keeps anything on. If you look at the table you would see some things that aren't books.

After my higher institutional study, I got more textbooks and the table is already making my room look ugly and tattered. A lot of dirty kinds of stuff were under the table and I wanted a new look in my room since I'm becoming a man. So I pick a place in my room where I can fix a new mini library and I picked this location.

I paid for the mini shelf and it took 1 week and 5 days for the furniture man to get the shelf to my place. I got tired and angry about waiting cause he told me it will only take 3days for the shelf to get to my place. Luckily for me, it got to my place yesterday and it was installed.

It was empty before but I had to arrange my books and now the shelf is looking like a mini library. I love the look of my room and I would get a reading table very close to it.

Now that the library has been installed, I guess I would go back to reading novels again, I would buy them and keep them. Unlike before when my aunty would bring it for me and take it back, this time around I would own the books myself.

I still have a lot of interesting books to share with you all, soon I would do the review of one of my favorite novellas. I'm sure you would like it.
Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

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