My Story Life Inside Literature Award of Migrants Workers Portfolio

A few days ago, a woman called me. She confirmed if I still live and work at the same address? Which I included in 2021 when I participated in a writing competition at “The 2021 Kao Yuan University Cup of Literature”. They want to send us a collection of winning works as well as a Certificate.

Two days later, a package arrived at the work address, wrapped in a large envelope containing the book and certificate from the competition. My work entitled “The Final Journey to Achieve a Dream” became one of the winners of the 2021 competition. When I received news from the organizing committee, if my work became one of the winners, I was very happy.

The final journey of Reaching Dreams is a true story that I experienced in the midst of the turmoil of the COVID-19 pandemic that was rampant throughout the world. This paper tells how the longing of a mother who has left her child for years to try her luck in another country to improve a better future.

The woman's name is Ani, who has gone abroad several times. Starting from Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan: ani hopes that this country with the nickname of the island of Formosa is the last destination for her to go abroad. So that he can return to Indonesia to be able to hug his son and gather with the family he loves.

My Sertificate

In 2020, actually Ani, whose daily work is taking care of her grandmother, plans to go home to take a holiday so she can visit her family back home. Due to the ongoing pandemic conditions, Ani finally canceled her return, so she continued to work in Taiwan.

In fact, what Ani felt was also felt by other mothers, who also left their families to work abroad. Out there, there are many people who look down on one another or even work overseas that is very good. Because getting a lot of salary is free anywhere.

Through this book, I want to represent the feelings of other mothers, who also secretly miss their family and always pray for the happiness of their families left behind in their hometown. The struggle of mothers who migrate is very hard.

About Author

Welcome to Etty's Small Corner Hive Blog. She is an Indonesian who currently working and studying in Taiwan. Writing is her passion and managed to carve the achievement. Her writings that won in Taiwan Literature Award for Migrants (TLAM) 2017 with the title “RED” adopted to Movie and displayed on Taiwan TV by 2020.

She won an essay competition race with the theme of education at the Indonesian economic trade office, Taipei in 2019. and won two awards and two trophies in TLAM 2020. The first champion of the Essai migrant workers of Taiwan by 2021. Her solo book was published in 2015. She is also a writer in an Indonesian language redaction in Taiwan.

Contak Person: E-mail: II Discord: Etty Diallova#9230.

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