Better later than never!

Human beings were created with a longing for something more. I've always loved this paraphrase of a Bible verse in Ecclesiastes that says God has set eternity in our hearts.src Isn't that such a delicious phrase?

I have seen some exceptions to the rule, but most of the people I've encountered can speak about this eternity-shaped hole in their hearts that can only be filled once this life has ended. And they look forward with longing and expectation to what's in store for them in the "great beyond".

You might think I'm taking this post in an unexpected direction but I would like to present this for your consideration:

In some parallel way, reading a book offers a similar experience to experiencing more than this life.

Now, wait. Before I lose you, think about that.

Where else can you glide from page to page:

  • blood rushing and cheeks blushing from the mad pursuit of a lover unwilling to relent until they claim you?
  • mind churning and thoughts burning to follow the trail and unravel the puzzle left by a killer on the loose?
  • ship soaring and team exploring galaxies beyond and civilizations undiscovered, on the outer edges of space?

Your life is here, and now. But books give you the keys to unlock new lives and new personas - each ready to fulfill some secret part of desire tucked beneath layers of earth and monotony and dish soap and power tools and discontent.

Books call to the adventurers and warriors, the lovers and explorers, the creators and the wanderers. When you crack that hardcover, flip the first page, and a waft of tangy textile and vanilla hits your nostrils - you know. You know that you're about to leave this world and enter another.

And that - is what makes me enjoy books.

This post was a VERY LATE entry into a challenge from the Hive Book Club Community. I love reading and writing! Though the busy-ness of life prevented me from entering on time, I wanted to enjoy this subject afterwards. Late for the challenge, but not too late to read my thoughts, I hope! Thanks for the invite, @kemmyb!

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