LOBOOK || Harry Potter e la Camera dei Segreti


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Hello Hive!

Starting on the right foot, Lobook is an episodic initiative that I decided to launch by creating a very simple logo. As usual, and I stress it, it will only deal with my experience, nothing more.

What does it consist of? I'll summarize it like this, with the key steps of the process.

I get a book, usually buying or borrowing it. I read it. I take some illustrative photos to add as attachments. I provide a brief introduction and my personal opinion. In short, basically a blog like many of those that provide reviews. My vision, however, is more focused on providing a general and very concise idea of the book I have read, focusing little or nothing on anticipations of the plot and focusing more on my personal buying and reading experience.

And now let's get started!

This episode takes inspiration from the Joanne Kathleen Rowling novel with the original title Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (1998), the second episode of the “Harry Potter” series. The Italian translation I have read is Harry Potter e la Camera dei segreti, curated by Marina Astrologo. The first publication in Italy dates back to 1999 and the illustrations here were edited by Serena Riglietti. In the photo below you can see a cover image from which I have removed some parts to try to avoid possible direct advertisements.


And a few views inside.



I bought the book several years ago, today it is possible to find it at a lower price in pocket formats. Excluding various discounts applied and instead considering only the official cover price, the price range at which it's possible to find this book in paper format in Italy at the moment varies from approximately €9,00 to €16,80. There is also an e-book format for digital readers and many other versions such as audiobooks, movie screenplay, illustrated versions, and so on and so forth. Pay attention to this peculiarity if you want to buy the classic type of novel.


Flipping through the pages

Harry Potter hasn't received a single letter since leaving Hogwarts wizarding school. A house-elf arrives in his room, firmly warning him: Harry Potter mustn't return to Hogwarts this year. A dark threat is about to manifest itself after so long she had been buried.

In the second chapter of the Harry Potter saga: the writing style follows the previous one, even if the events begin to come to life. While in the first episode we found the basilar fundamentals of the wizarding world - I like to define it as an accelerated elementary school to get closer to the world of wands -, in the second we find the first focuses that allow us to go into detail about the customs and what the Harry Potter universe encompasses.

Like the first episode, the second also has a well-defined history; albeit, with some difficulty in setting, it could be read even without having had access to the first episode. The fundamental elements of the story begin and end in the second novel in the series. Interesting ideas that seem irrelevant are still present, and I think they will have greater weight over the course of the series: for this reason, I recommend reading all the episodes in sequence. A plot that I liked.


Below you can see the photo containing the description on the cover of the book. In my case, it was printed on the false cover, the one with the illustrations on paper. After it, you can find the transcription of the translation in english.


"Harry Potter is now famous, during his first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he defeated the terrible Voldemort, avenging his parents' death and covering himself with glory. But a frightening threat looms over the school: a spell that strikes Harry's companions one after the other, and that appears to be linked to an ancient mystery locked in the dark Chamber of Secrets.”

“In the second book of the Harry Potter adventures, J.K. Rowling surpasses herself, enriching her fantasy universe with unforgettable characters and hilarious gimmicks. Harry and his friends challenge dark magic and terrible monsters, talk to owls and travel in flying cars, in a magical journey with a fast pace and an infinite sequence, like Chinese boxes.”

“And above all the taste for the cyclical and perfect adventure novel emerges, in which the supernatural element is transformed into everyday life, exciting the reader and winning him over to the game of fantasy."


Personal Rating

The personal rating system is still in its infancy. Since I rely primarily on my involvement and not on the quality of the texts, this is the fundamental parameter that guides my first vote. The second is a vote - once again personal - which takes into account how I received the quality of the novel. I will call the first vote with the title INVOLVEMENT Vote, the second as GENERAL Vote. The grading scale for both will be a number between 1 (worst rating) and 5 (best rating), represented as stars (1 to 5).

To Harry Potter e la Camera dei Segreti, I give 4 stars to the General Vote and 4 stars for the Involvement Vote.


If this article has intrigued you, you can find info by online searching for news of the author, or contacting retailers in the sector. I greet you, and I hope I have left a useful opinion. I will periodically publish other articles of this kind. If you are interested in discovering new books - mainly novels - on the market, you can continue to follow me on the #lobook tag. CLICK HERE if you want to access the collection of posts I publish on this tag. For the moment the number of published posts is very small, but I hope to expand the index over time.

A greeting and to the next book!

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