Reading in 2020: My Book Review


If 2020 gave us an important lesson, it surely was that more time to read isn't a bad thing. These is even better when you have so many options to choose from. So, after I got fired from a time-consuming job, I spent a lot of time reading. These are my top 6 books of last year.


[Poster made with Canva]


Chances are you already know the guy. Stephen King has become one of the most prolific fiction writers of our time. He has achieved a mastery of the writing habit. Here you can find more details about his life and why he has such dark yet descriptive style for his prose. This is an obligated reference for anyone who wants to delve into the world of writing fiction and getting paid doing it. Going along with some autobiographical aspects his recommendations for writers are precise and well-explained. But be careful with his disclaimer at the beginning of his explanation about the craft. Just don't take it personal!


The topic of this one is related to the previous. A book about the process of writing and how Anne Lamott started to do it. It is relevant to mention that the approach of this book is more didactic. Anne tells not only account of her life, but of her writing workshops. The book is a compilation of family stories and a conversation about what happens when young writers attend her classes. This was a pending reading as I had this book waiting for a long time ago. A Professor sent it to me claiming that Anne's writing voice was similar to mine. After reading it, I can say that there are similarities, but I enjoyed the differences better. Another recommendable choice for fiction writer aspirants.


To put and end to the craft readings, we have the masterpiece Story. If you have ever felt fascination about movie and theater, this is the book for you. Here you will have an account of every (I'm not kidding) detail in regards of story-building for the big screen, small screen and theater. Robert McKee has also been so kind to add examples taken from famous movies. What's more, he also add what every aspirant screenwriter needs to have at the beginning of his carrier: bad examples of story development. However, I have to confess this reading can get too technical at times. So, if you're interest keep a dictionary at hands reach.


As a fan of sci-fi, I had this book on my list for a long time. It actually made it into the list after I watched the series on science fiction in ExtraCredits YouTube Channel. You should go and check their excellent content. This book is a masterpiece. In the series it was paired with The Lord of the Rings (though this one is fantasy) to show how deep the world-building goes. Herbert created a universe where humans have evolved to become biological machines taken on the functions of the creations that once attempted to get rid of them. Drama, treason, vengeance, war, economics, politics, are the elements surrounding the story of young Paul Atreides after his family is put in charge of planet Arrakis (Dune). What follows is tailored under Campbell's Monomyth ( the story of the hero). Beautiful descriptions of landscapes adorn the pages, accompanied by cultural and religious references, and plots within plots within plots.


You might think I read too much sci-fi. You're correct. But the world was and is still a mess from the Pandemic and I see this book has more relevance than ever. This book's premise is simple yet gives a lot to think: what if we were controlled by happiness? We are humans. As humans we are keen in avoiding pain and suffering and focusing in pleasure and instant gratification (does this sound familiar?). Sci-fi as a means of social critique has a lot to offer. A Brave New World might be one of the must accurate descriptions of a dystopic and possible future.


Neil Gaiman is one of my favorite writers. He has a way with words that is just superb. What we have here is his own retelling of traditional Norse Mythology stories. So if you want to learn more about this mythology, but can't find where to start, here you have a simple book which functions as a reader friendly gateway (or Bifrost) into the realm of Frost Giants, the Aesir and Vanyr. What's the best thing about reading this book? In my opinion, that you'll have interesting story to tell in a party or elsewhere. And if other people don't want to listen to the stories of the gods of Asgard, I would suggest that you go through your friendship list and remove some people from it. Jörmundgander is always hungry!

This was my entry for this contest. If you want to participate, you're still on time.

I read other books during the year, but I wouldn't like to make a post about 20 books. However, I might review some of those books separately. I hope you enjoyed this and if you have read one of these books, tell me in the comments. 😄

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