Uniting Sloths Across Languages!

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

It's been a while since I last posted from this account, PatLeBo. My focus has been primarily on my Italian account, Hivenberg, as I am passionate about engaging the Italian community, especially since I reside in Ticino, the Italian-speaking region of Switzerland. My colleague, Slothlydoesit, has made significant strides in incorporating the Italian hashtag of SlothBuzz into our vibrant community.

Welcome the Bradipi!

In the coming weeks, my efforts will be channeled towards improving the Ecency frontend. Our aim is to enhance the Sloth.Buzz experience, ensuring that our community token is more prominently featured within the wallet, complete with staking and delegation capabilities as envisioned by Hive's Blockchain. Additionally, our community's presence will be amplified on the frontend, making it more accessible and interactive. We are introducing the option to switch between Italian and English, facilitated by the respective SlothBuzz hashtags. I plan to propose to the "Olio di balena" community the integration of the Italian SlothBuzz hashtag. Given the similarities in interests—crypto, life, memes, and fun—it seems like a perfect fit with our English-speaking SlothBuzz community.

My immediate task is to expedite this process from my end. I will need to thoroughly work with the Ecency APIs and assess the required investment to ensure our services are self-sustaining. Nevertheless, I am confident in Ecency’s current performance and believe we are on the right track.

Now, it's time for me to dive back into work and make things happen. Until next time, my fellow Sloths!

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