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CCP at 100 Years: A Century of Killing and Deceit

from theepochtimes

A concerning revelation about the 100th anniversary of the world's most popular dictator and his party of slaves who kill. rape, torture and threaten their people to achieve their goals.

Founded in July 1921, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has wreaked death and destruction on the Chinese populace for a century.

Armed with the Marxist ideology of “struggle” as its guiding principle, the CCP has launched scores of movements targeting a long list of enemy groups: spies, landlords, intellectuals, disloyal officials, pro-democracy students, religious believers, and ethnic minorities.

With each campaign, the Party’s purported goal has been to create a “communist heaven on earth.” But time and again, the results have been the same: mass suffering and death. Meanwhile, a few elite CCP officials and their families have accumulated incredible power and wealth.

More than 70 years of Party rule have resulted in the killing of tens of millions of Chinese people and the dismantling of a 5,000-year-old civilization.

While China has advanced economically in recent decades, the CCP retains its nature as a Marxist-Leninist regime bent on solidifying its grip on China and the world. Millions of religious believers, ethnic minorities, and dissidents are still violently repressed today.

Below is a summary of some of the major atrocities committed by the CCP in its 100-year history.

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Organ Harvesting from Political Prisoners of Conscience

Tortured, beaten, raped, and murdered prisoners at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party lead by President Xi.

Don't think this facility exists that could achieve the goals of 80,000 harvested organs?

  • 11km of mountain valley is a prison with labor clearly set up in the open view to satellites, can you see the grain or mineral elevator?

Here is a link, you can see an entire city made to harvest prisoners, on google maps.

The Prison:

The Community being Attacked:

  • You will notice Uyhgers exist... China has other goals...

A Business parking lot prisoners are dropped off in for hard labor:

Just for Relevance,

The border that Biden and His son plan to sell Khazak liquid natural gas over to china, just look at this military checkpoint... This border facility alone probably has more than 1 prison. This is a terrorist country, and the people of China deserve better along with the rest of the world would enjoy seeing parts of china without risking their freedom.