Genuina acidez | Poesia ES/EN



Peculiar y exquisita,
difícil e inescrutable
con dosis inexpugnables.
Pocas veces deja ver una risita,
más su inteligencia es incuestionable.
Conocerla a fondo y leer su extensa página
da miedo del orden y disciplina.
En las palabras se lee altiva
y si compones una oración genuina.
Hasta los eruditos nos detenemos a contemplar
el aura que ella se ha templado con sus sílabas.
Y claro, está bordada de retoques de bipolar.

¡Ay! Que será del que está destinado
ni porque esté versado,
o incluso tersado
será insuficiente a sus aires peculiares.
Sus gestos y gustos son fuente de mi estudio
aun así, los detalles de su persona son un preludio
de las muchas cosas que ella carga arrastra.

Única e irrepetible
diría ella seguramente;
porque decirle eso no es admisible.
Su ego no es expandible
ni siquiera reductible,
dejémoslo con increíble.
Un halago o insulto son imperceptible
a su acorazado corazón de hielo

Pero ella existe,
es terrenal, aunque parezca celestial.
Nada en su personalidad es trivial
ni en su físico frugal,
Es demasiado sensual.
Es frío que quema al toque,
es una brisa cambiante,
es la dicha del ser andante.

Peculiar and exquisite,
difficult and inscrutable
with unassailable doses.
She rarely lets a chuckle be seen,
but her intelligence is unquestionable.
Knowing her in-depth and reading her extensive page
is frighteningly orderly and disciplined.
In the words, she reads haughty
and if you compose a genuine sentence.
Even we scholars pause to contemplate the aura she has tempered
the aura she has tempered with her syllables.
And of course, it is embroidered with touches of bipolar.

Oh, what will become of him who is destined
nor because he is versed
or even teased
Will be insufficient to his peculiar airs.
His gestures and tastes are the sources of my study
even so, the details of her personality are a prelude
of the many things, she carries with her.

Exclusive and unrepeatable
she would surely say;
because to tell her that is not admissible.
Her ego is not expandable
not even reducible,
let's leave it with incredible.
Flattery or insult is imperceptible
to his ironclad heart of ice
But she exists,
she is earthly, though she seems heavenly.
Nothing in her personality is trivial
nor in her frugal physique,
She is too sensual.
She is cold that burns at the touch,
it is a changing breeze,
it is the bliss of the walking being.



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