Hispaliterario / La informaciòn eres tù.[Esp/Eng]


Era una noche de lluvia intensa, al frente de una casa que parecìa sola, logrò entrar aquèl hombre con traje negro, sombrero tipo detective sin llamar la atenciòn, sin ruidos abriò una puerta que para su sorpresa estaba sencilla, no habìa seguros. Igual entrò, porque sentìa que allì estaba eso que tanto buscaba.

Al entrar, entre la oscuridad se dispuso a revisar las habitaciones con una pequeña luz que llevaba para no hacer sentir su presencia, si alguien estaba allì. Al parecer estaba completamente solo.

Entrò en esa habitaciòn que lucìa llamativa para encontrar eso que buscaba, un grito y un golpe sintiò cerca de èl , muy cerca, que logrò esquivar el golpe, de lo contrario no lo contarìa. Allì estaba una chica molesta, gritaba y la habitaciòn la tenìa toda desordenada. Èl no sabìa què pasaba, la idea era no hacer escàndalo.

La chica seguìa gritando, ademàs cargaba un arma en mano que cuando el hombre la vio intentò quitàrsela para que no cometiera otra locura de la que ya habìa hecho con desordenar todo aquello. Ahora ¿còmo tranquilizo a esta loca? ¿què hace aquì? Soy soy, solo yo el elegido para encontrar esa informaciòn y llevarla.

Como pudo, la tranquilizò. Le quitò el arma y logrò sacarle informaciòn de por què estaba allì. Ella, sin ningùn tipo de tranquilidad a pesar de que buscaban algo no se medìa en bajar la voz y buscar con tranquilidad.

El hombre le dice yo sè lo que busco, no sè que buscas tù. Por lo que he visto no has tenido suerte en encontrar eso...pronto llega la familia que aquì vive; entre truenos y relàmpagos debemos salir como sea de aquì. Hay trampas por todas partes, la màs grande nos matarìa sino estamos atentos.

Nos burlaron, decìa la chica. Nos burlaron. Mi familia està en peligro si no logro conseguir eso. Tù y yo, tambièn. Es una trampa. Para quien tù trabajas te burlaron. para quien yo trabajo tambièn, nos quieren eliminar por saber tanto de eso que buscamos y cada una lo quiere desaparecer . Ellos estàn involucrados.


Escuchan, ruidos de motor, personas que van llegando. La chica quiere volver a gritar. El hombre, la calla. Salen de esa habitaciòn buscando donde esconderse para poder salir con vida de ese lugar. Las personas que llegaron al encontrar la habitaciòn toda desordenada, gritaron: ¡¡¡estàn aquì!!! ¡¡¡estàn aquì!!!, prendan todas las luces. Esta es nuestra casa, pasaràn como unos ladrones y nosotros nos defendimos.

¡¡¡Busquen!!! ¡¡¡Busquen!!!...

El hombre y la chica fueron encontrados, en un gabinete de la cocina, ¿còmo entraron allì?, ¿quièn sabe?. Una de las formas de cuidar su vida. Solo eso pensaron.

Los encaminaron hacia unos àrboles muy frondosos entre truenos y relàmpagos allì quedaron. Nadie supo. Nadie vio.

Lo que buscaban, nunca fuè encontrado, porque la trampa era eliminarlos por tanta informaciòn que manejaban, informaciòn que comprometìa a las dos organizaciones para seguir operando. La informaciòn siempre fueron ellos y nunca se dieron cuenta que era a ellos a quienes buscaban y fueron encontrados.

Divisores Fuente



It was a night of heavy rain, in front of a house that seemed lonely, he managed to enter that man in a black suit, detective hat without attracting attention, without noise, he opened a door that to his surprise was simple, there were no locks. He went in anyway, because he felt that there was what he was looking for.

When he entered, in the darkness, he started to check the rooms with a small light that he carried so as not to make his presence felt, if anyone was there. It seemed that he was completely alone.

He entered the room that looked striking to find what he was looking for, a scream and a blow he felt close to him, very close, he managed to dodge the blow, otherwise he would not tell. There was an annoying girl, she was screaming and the room was a mess. He didn't know what was going on, the idea was not to make a fuss.

The girl was still screaming, she was carrying a gun in her hand and when the man saw her he tried to take it away from her so that she wouldn't do anything more crazy than the one she had already done by messing up the place. Now how do I calm this madwoman down? What is she doing here? I am, I alone am the one chosen to find that information and bring it to her.

As best he could, he calmed her down. He took the gun away from her and managed to get information out of her as to why she was there. She, without any kind of reassurance despite the fact that they were looking for something, did not hesitate to lower her voice and search calmly.

The man said to her I know what I'm looking for, I don't know what you are looking for. From what I have seen you have had no luck in finding it...soon the family that lives here will arrive; amidst thunder and lightning we must get out of here. There are traps everywhere, the biggest one will kill us if we don't watch out.

They mocked us, said the girl. We were mocked. My family is in danger if I don't get that. You and me, too. It's a trap. Who you work for, they made fun of you. Who I work for, too, they want to eliminate us for knowing so much about what we're looking for and everyone wants it gone. They are involved.


They hear, engine noises, people arriving. The girl wants to scream again. The man shuts her up. They leave the room looking for a place to hide in order to get out of the place alive. The people who arrived, finding the room in disarray, shouted: they are here!!! they are here!!!, turn on all the lights. This is our house, they will pass like thieves and we defended ourselves.

Search!!!!! Search!!!!!....

The man and the girl were found, in a kitchen cabinet, how they got in there, who knows. One of the ways to take care of their life. That's all they thought.

They were led to some very leafy trees amidst thunder and lightning, and there they remained. Nobody knew. Nobody saw.

What they were looking for was never found, because the trap was to eliminate them because of the information they handled, information that compromised the two organizations to continue operating. The information was always them and they never realized that it was them they were looking for and they were found.

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