Las Probabilidades Dictan Muerte. Parte III. // Odds Dictate Death. Part III. (ESP/ENG)

---- Bueno haber una pista, para así hacer funcionar tu cerebro, tu apellido es Gonzales, facil no?, ahora solo tienes que averiguar tu nombre...----

Un destello en mi mente me hizo sacudirme...

... ---- Seguro estaras bien? ---- me pregunta la hermosa joven a mi derecha, esta me estrecha como si no quisiera despegarse de mí, su sonrisa se ve melacolica como si estuviera tratando de detener el tope de sus sentimientos, le devuelvo el abrazo, la muy tonta siempre trataba de ser mi roca.

---- Hermana, se que soy solo un muchacho tonto a tus ojos pero se que estare bien, no tienes nada de que preocuparte. ---- dije mientras besaba la cabeza de mi hermana y la estrujaba en mis brazos, mi tonta hermana melliza no podia soportar separarse de su hermano, este era mi gran momento, mi inicio despues de una vida perdida entre las drogas, por fin habia logrado establecerme en un trabajo, llevaba más de dos años totalmente limpio y todo gracias a la luz entre mis brazos, que nunca me habia dejado en la oscuridad. Me habían ascendido en mi trabajo así que me habia tenido que mudar de cuidad, mucho decir que jamas habia estado tan lejos de todos y de todo lo que conocía, pero sentía que estaria bien, que lo malo ya habia pasado y que lo que quedaba frente a mi era un horizonte con mucho para ofrecerme, y esta vez yo lo iba a aprovechar.

---- Alejandro, siempre estaremos a una llamada de distancia ---- riño mi hermana mientras mi cuñado la tomaba de mis brazos para rodearla con los suyos, siempre eran así, una pareja que derrochaba afecto por el otro, yo jamas habia podido dejar de envidiar la perfecta relacion que ellos tenian, habian logrado superar sus diferencia, los obstaculos familiares, los incidentes de que la vida les daba y los míos para poder ser felices juntos.

---- Te tendremos en la mira Ale, como no nos llames estaremos acá en menos de dos horas ---- abvirtio mi cuñado con voz de broma, sabia que apesar de todo seria así, me alegraba infinitamente saber que ellos me apoyaban al 100%.

---- Con que tiempo? ---- me burle de el ---- apenas si tienen tiempo para el otro, y con los nuevos pequeños en camino eres menos creíble aun---- dije entre carcajadas.

---- No bromeen con eso ---- dijo mi hermana entre pucheros ---- Mira que yo si cumplire esa amenaza Alejandro... Ay la cumplire tanto como me llamo Lucia Gabriela Gonzales Lopez y el Manuel German Zaraza Abeledo ----.

Ambos nos echamos a reír, molestar a mi tierna hermana era uno de nuestros pasatiempos favoritos. La melancolía me embargó al saber que no tendria eso tanto como a mí me gustaría, mi hermana era mi todo, separarme ella era algo duro pero sabia que tambien necesario, mi unica pregunta era si estaria preparado para ello.

---- Bueno esa era la última de las cajas, gracias por todo, ahora si me permiten invitarles una deliciosa cena fuera de casa para compensarles...---- dije mientras hacia un ademan hacia la entrada.

---- Fuera de casa? Ohhh, no he esperado años para ensuciar la cocina de tu propia casa y esta es la oportunidad perfecta ---- dijo mi hermana con un sonrisa maliciosa.

Inmediatamente una mueca llegó a mi rostro, mi hermana cocinaba delicioso, pero era un desastre en la cocina. Mi cuñado solto una carcajada detras de mi mientras me palmeaba la espalda.

---- Ohhhhh, hermano, no sabes lo ansiosa que estaba ella por esto, lo ha esperado toda la semana ---- obscerve a mi cuñado partirse de la risa, me relaje, bueno si que se iran con el toque de gracia pense.

Despues de una modesta cena, y un desastre en la cocina no tan modesto, y muchas más lagrimas por fin veía el auto de mi fortaleza dirigirse a su propio hogar, era el mayor sentimiento de nostalgia que habia sentido hasta ahora, un estraño sentimiento de pesades me rondaba, sentia escalifrios en la parte baja de mi cuerpo y mi estómago no paraba de estrujarse.

Tratando de ignorar todo, me dije que era mejor iniciar con los arreglos para mañana, todo seria mas fácil, mañana... No se porque pense eso...

... Abri los ojos de golpe las lagrimas me inundan los ojos, mi mente corria a el paso que recordaba todo, ellos era reales, si habian existido... habian...


---- Well there is a clue, in order to make your brain work, your last name is Gonzales, easy right? Now you just have to find out your name...----

A flash in my mind made me shake...

... ---- Are you sure you'll be okay? ---- the beautiful young woman on my right asks me, she hugs me as if she doesn't want to leave me, her smile looks melancholy as if she is trying to stop the limit of her feelings, I return her hug, the very silly always He was trying to be my rock.

---- Sister, I know I'm just a silly boy in your eyes but I know I'll be fine, you have nothing to worry about. ---- I said while kissing my sister's head and squeezing her in my arms, my silly twin sister couldn't bear to be separated from her brother, this was my big moment, my start after a life lost among drugs, finally I had managed to establish myself in a job, I had been completely clean for more than two years and all thanks to the light in my arms, which had never left me in the dark. I had been promoted at my job so I had had to move to another city, much to say that I had never been so far from everyone and everything I knew, but I felt that I would be fine, that the bad was over and that what was left In front of me was a horizon with a lot to offer me, and this time I was going to take advantage of it.

---- Alejandro, we will always be a phone call away ---- my sister scolded while my brother-in-law took her from my arms to surround her with his, they were always like that, a couple that wasted affection for the other, I had never been able to stop envying the perfect relationship they had, they had managed to overcome their differences, the family obstacles, the incidents that life gave them and mine to be able to be happy together.

---- We'll keep an eye on you Ale, if you don't call us we'll be here in less than two hours ---- my brother-in-law abverted with a joking voice, I knew that despite everything it would be like this, I was infinitely happy to know that they supported me to 100%.

---- With what time? ---- I made fun of him ---- they hardly have time for each other, and with the new little ones on the way you are even less credible---- I said between laughs.

---- Don't joke about it ---- my sister said between pouts ---- Look, I will fulfill that threat Alejandro... Oh, I will fulfill it as much as my name is Lucia Gabriela Gonzales Lopez and Manuel German Zaraza Abeledo - ---.

We both burst out laughing, teasing my cute little sister was one of our favorite pastimes. Melancholy overcame me knowing that she would not have that as much as I would like, my sister was my everything, separating her was something hard but I knew that it was also necessary, my only question was if I would be prepared for it.

---- Well that was the last of the boxes, thank you for everything, now if you allow me to invite you to a delicious dinner away from home to compensate you... ---- I said while making a gesture towards the entrance.

---- Out of home? Oh, I haven't waited ages to dirty your own kitchen and this is the perfect opportunity ---- my sister said with a smirk.

Immediately a grimace came to my face, my sister cooked deliciously, but she was a disaster in the kitchen. My brother-in-law burst out laughing behind me as he patted me on the back.

---- Ohhhhh, brother, you don't know how anxious she was about this, she's been waiting all week ---- I watched my brother-in-law burst out laughing, I relaxed, well they'll go with the grace touch I thought.

After a modest dinner, and a not-so-modest mess in the kitchen, and many more tears I finally saw the car of my fortress drive to its own home, it was the greatest feeling of nostalgia I had felt so far, a strange feeling of Heaviness haunted me, I felt chills in the lower part of my body and my stomach did not stop squeezing.

Trying to ignore everything, I told myself that it was better to start with the arrangements for tomorrow, everything would be easier, tomorrow... I don't know why I thought that...

... I suddenly opened my eyes, tears flood my eyes, my mind ran at the pace that I remembered everything, they were real, if they had existed... they had...

Muchas gracias por leer, para los que no lograron leer las anteriores aquí les dejo los enlaces:

Thank you very much for reading, for those who could not read the previous ones, here are the links:

Las Probabilidades Dictan Muerte. Enlace 1

Las Probabilidades Dictan Muerte. Parte II. Enlace 2

Imagenes de mi autoria creada con Canva.

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