El primer paciente

Caminaba hacia mi consultorio cuando lo encontré. Desde el momento de mi graduación, anhelaba este instante: mi primer paciente.

Allí estaba. Una joven, sentada en el suelo, pelo liso. Saqué la libreta de apuntes y empecé a registrar los patrones de conducta.

Emocionado observé desde la distancia como había alteraciones de personalidad. En lapsos de tiempo de 3 a 5 minutos se paralizaba, ignorando su alrededor, para luego dar paso a habla desorganizada y alucinaciones, se dirigía a un compañero, le reclamaba estando solo. Junto a ello, movimientos excesivos de manos que se alternaban sin frecuencia fija, postura corvada que se turnaba con exclamaciones dirigidas al cielo.

Enfocado en lo que observaba, descarté preguntar sus síntomas, pensamientos y sentimientos. Eso sería ya en la consulta. Este lo atendería gratis para ayudar. Por ello estudié.

Noté que solo movía los dedos de sus manos. Así se mantuvo por un prolongado tiempo. No tuve dudas eran trastornos psicóticos.

Una vez que formulé mi hipótesis me fui acercando. Me sentaría a su lado sin invadir su espacio. Lo logré. Me sentía emocionado, victorioso. El segundo paso era ganarme su confianza.

En el momento que le fui a hablar, empezó a vociferar vulgaridades, con movimientos corporales de rabia y enojo, entendí que estaba frente a una crisis e intenté ayudar, pero la joven me empujó distanciándome de ella.

"A usted qué le pasa", me dijo. Entablando contacto visual y con una postura corporal abierta le respondí: "discúlpame, soy un psicólogo, déjame ayudarte".

Alejándose me dijo: "a menos que cargues una batería como esta para mi vídeo juegos, qué puede hacer usted".


The first patient

I was walking to my office when I found it. From the moment of my graduation, I longed for this moment: my first patient.

I was there. A young woman, sitting on the floor, straight hair. I took out the notebook and began to record the behavior patterns.

Excited, I observed from a distance how there were personality alterations. In time lapses of 3 to 5 minutes, he was paralyzed, ignoring his surroundings, to then give way to disorganized speech and hallucinations, he addressed a colleague, he claimed him while he was alone. Along with this, excessive movements of the hands that alternated without fixed frequency, a bent posture that took turns with exclamations directed at the sky.

Focused on what I was observing, I ruled out asking her symptoms, thoughts, and feelings. That would already be in the consultation. He would attend to you for free to help. That is why I studied.

I noticed that he was only moving the fingers of his hands. Thus it remained for a long time. I had no doubts they were psychotic disorders.

Once I formulated my hypothesis, I got closer. I would sit next to him without invading his space. I made it. I was excited, victorious. The second step was to earn their trust.

The moment I went to talk to her, she began to shout vulgarities, with body movements of rage and anger, I understood that I was facing a crisis and I tried to help, but the young woman pushed me away from her.

"What's wrong with you?" He told me. Making eye contact and with an open body posture, I replied: "Excuse me, I'm a psychologist, let me help you."

Walking away he said: "Unless you charge a battery like this for my video games, what can you do?"

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