Extraño Concurso Número 11. Interpretaciones/ Un Mundo Apocalíptico (Esp/ Eng)

Fuente/ Source




Sumándome a la iniciativa del amigo @saulos, en el post @saulos/extrano-concurso-numero-11-interpretaciones. Invito a mi amiga @orimusic a participar ¡Suerte!

Eiba estaba encantada de irse de aquel lugar, luego de tantos desastres, donde no había ya nada en pie, quería irse con su poca familia que le sobrevivía a algún lugar donde los estragos naturales y de la guerra no hayan sido tan contundentes.

Así que tomó las pocas pertenencias que tenían y se fueron, ella su esposo y su pequeño hijo, a la única parte del país donde los hombres no se habían logrado ir, por lo inhóspito del lugar y por la poca población, pues no eran de interés para sus planes de conquista.

Fue una excursión bastante peligrosa, pero pensaban que valía la pena seguir y quizás allá todo no estuviera tan cambiado y devastado, con tantos cambios climáticos y con tantos químicos en el aire, que habían desparramado los hombres y naciones en su locura por conquistar las pocas tierras que quedaban.

Iban adentrándose a una selva bastante marchita con pedazos de aviones despedazados en diferentes areas, pero por lo menos se veía cierta vegetación que se negaba a morir, a medida que iban caminando Eiba sentía que eran observados...

Imagen Proporcionada por Saulos

Todos estaban muy atentos, pero no miraban todavía ninguna presencia humana, pero a medida que iban caminando se daban cuenta, que la vegetación se iba tornado mas densa y que al parecer eran los únicos humanos que transitaban por esas tierras.

Se instalaron cerca de un arrollo y allí instalaron su campamento, esperando ver algún animal que les pudiera servir de comida, pero nada. Eiba solo rogaba que no hubiera un animal que ella no soportaba y eran y las temibles arañas eran su terror mas latente.

Pasaron varios días y no habían avistado ningún animal y el hambre hacia sus estragos, hasta que su hijo jugando se percató de un animal, era una extraña araña, habían muchas y les miraban con sus cuatro ojos a punto de atacar, en ese momento Eiba supo que eran ellos o ellas.

Imagen Proporcionada por Saulos

Este nuevo mundo estaba hecho de sus peores pesadillas. Arañas una de sus peores fobias, pero o comían o morían, así que luego de enfrentarlas se convirtieron en el festín de la familia y así el hombre se volvió a adaptar a esta nueva realidad, un mundo apocalíptico.




Joining the initiative of my friend @saulos, in the post @saulos/extrano-concurso-numero-11-interpretaciones. I invite my friend @orimusic to participate. Good luck!

Eiba was glad to leave that place, after so many disasters, where there was nothing left standing, she wanted to go with her few surviving family to some place where the ravages of nature and war had not been so overwhelming.

So she took the few belongings they had and left, with her husband and little son, for the only part of the country where the men had not managed to go, because of the inhospitable place and the small population, since they were of no interest for their plans of conquest.

It was quite a dangerous excursion, but they thought it was worthwhile to continue and perhaps there everything would not be so changed and devastated, with so many climatic changes and so many chemicals in the air, which had scattered men and nations in their madness to conquer the few lands that remained.

They were going deep into a rather withered jungle with pieces of shattered planes in different areas, but at least some vegetation that refused to die could be seen, as they walked Eiba felt that they were being watched....

They were all very attentive, but they still did not see any human presence, but as they walked they realized that the vegetation was becoming denser and that apparently they were the only humans who were transiting through these lands.

They settled near a stream and there they set up their camp, hoping to see some animal that could serve as food, but nothing. Eiba only prayed that there was no animal that she could not stand and they were and the fearsome spiders were her most latent terror.

Several days passed and they had not sighted any animal and hunger was taking its toll, until her son playing noticed an animal, it was a strange spider, there were many and they looked at them with their four eyes about to attack, at that moment Eiba knew it was them or them.

This new world was made of their worst nightmares. Spiders one of his worst phobias, but they either ate or died, so after facing them they became the family feast and so man adapted again to this new reality, an apocalyptic world.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


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