Shadow Hunetrs Contest Round 255 My Entry

Hello , Hive friends! How are you all? I pray that you are well and happy.

Without further ado, let me share with you my entry for @melinda010100's shadow hunter's contest Round 255.

The photo was taken early morning at my lovely home. This is a photo of my reflection in the mirror which reflected a shadow from a sunray that had gotten inside our house through the amakan wall.

I never knew what caused the sunlight to cast a screen-looking shadow; I was just shocked when I looked at myself in the mirror when I had to go out and but viand for breakfast.

I wanted to investigate but all I could see was the sunray and it hurt my eyes.

I find it beautiful though. Here are some more of the pictures I took.

Thank you so much for your time, more hive to come to all of us!

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