Reflection Hunters Contest Round 116. Reflections Along Divisoria

Sometimes, reflections look better than what they reflected. -Yoi

Hello Hive friends! I hope you are well and happy.

It's been a long since I last joined in this weekly challenge and everything is my loss. But in this post is my entry for the Reflection Hunters Contest round 116 hosted by @olgavita. Thank you for initiating such an amazing challenge.

This is my entry

Here are some more of the photos from when the entry photo was taken.

One fine day, I was told to go to work early because we will be going to the bank. Our boss at work had assigned us to sign for the cheques that we will be releasing when we buy corn that will be used in the feed smiling process. The bank was in the city, probably 45 minutes away from our workplace; we were dropped off by the manager/driver( we don't know how to drive) in one of the banks but it turns out it was the wrong bank.
Have you noticed how many banks are there in the city? I mean In Divisoria, Cagayan de Oro City alone, there are more banks than I can count my fingers with. Why do they stay in one place when some of the places in the country need them most? I guess I'm being irrational, I'm sure they have their reasons.

Anyway, we started walking towards Tehbansk which is 5 minutes away from where we stopped. I called the driver that we moved while he was looking for a place to park, afraid of getting parking tickets from the traffic enforcers. While we were walking, I took random shots of the place we walk through and I got lucky to have caught some decent photos good enough for my entry in this challenge.

It was very hot in the city but my attention got diverted by the beautiful things I saw around.

This will be all, I hope you had a great time, keep safe and stay happy!

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