Morning Beauty: Reflection Hunters Round 165 Entry

Reflection sometimes shows a clearer image

This is my entry to @olgavita's Reflection Hunter's contest Round 165. I f you wish to know more about this contest, d click the link below to her original post.


My Entry:

A reflection of the surrounding on the vehicle's window

It was on our first Morning in Valencia, Bukidnon when we were all awaken by my sister. We were all excited for the adventures we will be doing!

My daughters woke up too; they want to go with us to the city to buy fish while Czak was still fast asleep.

The morning view on the east side of the sky looks orangey; an indication that the day will be very hot.

The family gathered around as we waited for coffee to boil.

Me and my daughter @eylii

with my nephew, Alexis

Later that day, we had amazing adventures!

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