I don't need jogging

Hello hive friends! How are you all? I pray that all of you are fine, safe, and happy.

This is my entry for @melinda010100's show me a shadow contest round 247

Apparently, my shadow become slender as I took a picture of it last Saturday.

Lately, my husband told me he'd give me his new pants. It was a six-pocket pants given to them for a uniform on his work in our barangay. He knows my taste; so I gladly accepted it.

I saved the best for lat and wore it on Saturday and paired it with a loss shirt. Then at noon, our general manager told me I had gotten rounder already and I needed to start jogging.

After I gave birth to my three kids, I lots of physical and health changes happened to me including that I get sick whenever I skip or delay a meal or not get full; so I tried my best not to get sick by eating enough food and gained weight, lots of it. From 49 kilos, I am now 56 over the years

But with the shadaw that I took, looks like I don't need to jog after all. Haha!

Here are some more of the pictures that I took that afternoon

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