Pretty lady / Shadow Contest/SMASh 255. [Esp - Eng]

Hola mi gente Ecencyal, espero estén genial, aquí les coloco unas fotos que tomé cuando vi las preciosas sombras que se reflejaron, ¡Quizás si desde un principio si hubiera querido tomar las fotos con el propósito de la iniciativa no hubiera salido tan bien jaja!

Resulta que el fin de semana estaba organizando mis zapatos y vi unas sandalias preciosas que me encantan pero por no usarlas se han deteriorado con el tiempo, no están tan mal, debo mandarlas a arreglar y quizás las regale, ya veré.

Cómo la coquetería femenina siempre sale a flote, decidí usarlas unos minutos y divertirme un ratico y he ahí el resultado, de paso me sirve de inspiración para realizar prácticas de ilustración.✍️😘


Fotos: son propias, tomadas con mi genial teléfono Redmi 7A
Ubicación: Mi casa.
Separadores: realizados por mi en PowerPoint.
Plantillas: diseñadas y personalizadas en Canva
Traductor gratuito on line: Deep

Now in English:

Hello my Ecencyal people, I hope you are very well, here are some pictures I took when I saw the beautiful shadows that were reflected, maybe if from the beginning I wanted to take the pictures for the purpose of the initiative it would not have come out so well haha!

It turns out that last weekend I was organizing my shoes and I saw some beautiful sandals that I love but for not using them have deteriorated over time, they are not so bad, I should send them to fix and maybe I'll give them away, I'll see.

As feminine coquetry always comes to the fore, I decided to wear them for a few minutes and have some fun, and here is the result, by the way, it serves me as inspiration for illustration practices.✍️


Photos are my own, taken with my cool Redmi 7A phone.
Location: My house.
Separators: made by me in PowerPoint.
Templates: designed and customized in Canva
Free online translator: Deep

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