Shadow of the Happines. My entry to Shadow Hunters.(SMASh237)

You may wonder what the shadow of happiness looks like. Just as happiness is different in everyone's imagination, its shadow can be different for everyone. But for mothers, happiness can look very similar. I think that every woman's life is divided into periods before and after becoming a mother. Because being a mother is a great responsibility and most importantly, the sweetest happiness. After becoming a mother, most of the decisions we make in our lives are related to our children. We always look at how our children will be comfortable.
Almost every day after kindergarten, my children want to play on the playground. Even today, there was no change in those wishes. It's still warm on our side (around 30-35 degrees) and the sun is out, so it wasn't too difficult to see the wonderful shadows of the children at play. The difficult part is that children full of energy do not stay in one place, so it was a little difficult.

This is the shadow of my twins. My daughter did not want to be photographed with them. Because she wanted to go home as soon as possible and find out what kind of gift would come out of his kinder. You know, today all 3 of them got a similar gift. 3 different dinosaurs. It was an amazing coincidence. I don't know why but it seems to me that every kid is interested in dinosaurs. I still remember the first time my kids asked me to get them a dinosaur t-shirt.

Thanks for @beeber giving inspiration for me attending to this contest))

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