Hiding Under The Shadow. #Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest Round 323

Hello friends and family #shadow hunters community. This is my entry for the #shadow hunters contest round 323. You can join the contest here

The shadow has always been a hiding place for small creatures. They like hiding in the shades away from human’s sight. Everything living keeps itself from danger by hiding from the sight of the potential enemies.

It gives me a thought of reflection when I notice that lizards run under the car to hide away from the sights of humans around. They came out and picked their food and then ran inside again.
These animals use the shadow as a safety measure to keep themselves from any attack. Everyone will run when they noticed anything with the potential ability of causing them any harm.

When we were younger, we usually hid away from our parents when we knew that we had caused offense. When looking for where to hide we usually go to where there will be some sort of shadows to hide us.

I was just trying to put together my entry for the #shadow hunters contest. I took pictures of these car stands. This is a car stand where cars are displayed for sales. There is a shadow cast by the car on the ground.

I noticed that when lizards saw me coming they ran under the car to hide under the shadow.

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