Entry For Shadow Contest #301 | Beauty of Life is Made up of Light and Shadow

Namaste Shadow Hunters.šŸ™šŸ¼

As far as I remember, this is the first time I am participating in a #ShadowHunterContest.

One day before Christmas, while basking in the afternoon sun, I saw the shadow of one of my plants.

The name of this plant is Farangipani (Champa in Hindi), on which very calming and beautiful yellow and white flowers bloom, but since it is the winter season, its leaves are gradually drying up and falling. But looking at its #Shadow it does not seem so at all, because here it is still standing strong, even though the leaves are drying up but its shadow is still the same, providing as much shade as possible.

Like plants, humans also grow.
Some in the light, others in shadow.

That's all for today šŸ˜Š
Thank you for reading and appreciating my blog
Merry Christmas and Have a wonderful day

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