This is a very busy time of the year on the farm, and @goldenoakfarm and @flemingfarm know exactly what I'm saying. Now don't get me wrong, our farm is a heck of a lot smaller than the farms they tend too. By no means do @farm-mom and I pump out the volume of produce these two real farmers do. If you want to see these two go at it, pay them a visit, I guarantee you'll also be impressed.

Being retired, our intention is to see if we can grow enough veggies to last us for an entire year. We also grow a little extra to supply some goods to the family.
For us, this is only a hobby, but when it's time to get the hay in the barn, as farmers would say, we are very busy.
No, I'm not talking busy like in w--k--g busy, but busy like in long hobbitational days.

Every spring, a considerable amount of time is spent getting the gardens ready to plant. Well, April sure did come in like a lion and on May 1st it went out like a lamb. The weather on this day couldn't have been any better, no bugs, no wind, temps in the low 60s, and nothing but blue sky and sunshine.

Everyone knows #shadow #hunters just love days like this.

I'll tell you one thing, we didn't have to do too much hunting, every time we turned around there was another shadow.
The picture being taken here is of an apple tree.

This is not your standard apple tree, but one that has been grafted to produce 5 different types of apples. It was planted three years ago and for the first time, it is loaded with apple blossoms. 😁 At the time we planted it, the tree was less than 2ft. tall, it's now over 6 ft.

In his bed, we moved a couple of things around and readied it for sweet potato slips.


This garden, trellised to 10 ft., was completely overhauled.


Every farmer needs a pitchfork, especially if it's surrounded by shadows.


That's exactly what I like to see, a shadow pitching in, getting the rototiller in position to do its thing, while I'm relaxing in a lounge chair.


Boy, if I knew that #shadows could be so helpful, I would've turned this job over to them long ago. I guess the shadow needed a little break after turning the potato bed.


Dear @melinda010100, I know how much hobbitational time you spend keeping up with all of us shadow hunters, so if you ever need a hand with ANYTHING, I'll gladly send over the rototilling shadow that did the potato bed. He doesn't charge a dime and best of all he doesn't need to be fed. The only catch is that he only does his thing on sunny days and when this happens,
he's out of there. A big thanks to the hardworking judge @annephilbrick is also in line.

Thank you both very much for making this community so much fun!

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