Shadow Hunters SMASH contest #287: Painted heart trefoil

Greetings!Dear #shadowhunters friends, another week with you wishing you everything beautiful and lovely for this weekend. Here I am to participate in the weekly contest of our dear @melinda010100.
Here on the Island we have had difficulty with the water supply, the cycle has taken a little longer than usual and we have had to do miraculous things to keep the plants we have at home. This week I finally had to buy a tanker truck because I couldn't find anything else to do.
The first to consume the precious liquid were my ornamental plants that have less opportunity to be indoors, such as my clover plants that are in bloom right now, which I took some beautiful pictures of their shadows, which I wanted to share with you.

Saludos!Queridos amigos de #shadowhunters, otra semana más con ustedes deseandoles todo lo bello y hermoso para este fin de semana. Aca estoy para participar en el concurso semanal de nuestra querida @melinda010100.
Acá en la Isla hemos tenido dificultad con el suministro de agua , el ciclo se a tardado un poco más de lo normal y hemos tenido que hacer cosas milagrosas para poder mantener las plantas que tenemos en casa. Está semana al final tuve que comprar un camión sisterna porque ya no hallaba que hacer.
Las primeras que consumieron el preciado líquido fueron mis plantas ornamentales que tienen menos oportunidad por estar bajo techo, como mis plantas de trébol que están florecidas en estos momentos, a las cuales les tome unas fotografias hermosas de sus sombras, que he querido compartir con ustedes.

I am not happy to have made that expense, buying water, but I have been pleased because my plants and us at home needed the water.
Dear friends, I hope you liked the shadows of my clover plant.
I wish you all an excellent afternoon. I hope to see you in the coming weeks.

No estoy feliz de haber hecho ese gasto, comprando agua pero si he quedado complacida porque mis plantas y nosotros en casa necesitábamos del agua.
Queridos amigos espero que la sombra de mi planta de trébol les haya gustado
Les deseo a todos una excelente tarde. Espero verlos en próximas semanas.

The photos were taken with a Bison X10 Pro
DeepeL was used

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