Shadow Hunter Contest : Me and My Walking Buddy

Hello everyone, another week for hunting wonderful

And this is how I got my shadow.
It's a weekend so as a routine me and my son had a morning walk while my wife is preparing breakfast.

The sun was already up during that time so a perfect time to capture our shadow.

This was me and my son, and also our black dog who looks like a shadow.

This moments is what I lobe since it allow me to relax thru breathing fresh air and also my son is very behave when we are outdoors.

Look he even found a big trunk and hugged,he is being silly today. Atleast he is not crying,instead hes enjoying the outdoors.

That's it for now,
If you have an interesting shadow feel free to join this weeks SHADOW HUNTERS CONTEST

Thanks again for dropping by, see you in the next one !

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