Reflection Hunters 176 - Fun at the Beach

Hello Hive friends I'm here to make a last minute entry for this weeks round.
Today we went again to the beach , one of my favorite place when it comes to refletions.

It was late afternoon when we went there , just in time to have a good reflection on the sure produced by the setting sun. My son was busy running around the shore so I took some photo of him doing stuff, he was running and laying in the sand .

And after a few pictures I finally took a shot that for me is the best moment captured not just for the reflection but also as a moment of him having fun.

This is my reflection entry, he looks so grown up now. Time moves so fast, it's just like yesterday during the first time we took him at the beach.

Here are the other photos that I took, I guess I'll look back on this photos someday. I love that he enjoys the things that we love to do. We are now a beach lover family.

And that's it for now. Love seeing a lot of reflection entries this week.
Have a good day, see you in the next one!


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