Reflection Hunters 171 : Group Reflection

Hello fellow hunters, another week of reflection hunting again. It's always fun to hunt for reflection good thing I was able to find one for this week.

This reflection was taken at ICONSIAM mall in Bangkok. the place is really huge and have a lot of mirrors but I found this reflection in an unexpected position.

When we went inside the mall , we were very amazed with everything that is inside, it's a whole new scene for us. Then we saw this teen taking pictures in the ceiling , so I also looked up and to my surprise there is a big reflective mirror above. I'm not sure if it is a metal sheet of a glass mirror.

Anyways I called my colleagues and I took a group photo of us looking up to the mirror.

Here is my reflection entry.

And to be honest, during our whole trip I was always looking out for reflections and shadows in case some thing appears. I'm always prepared to take a shot when something comes.

Here's a closer look, Please bear with my camera it's focus and quality is messed up when it's low light, But I'm glad I did not miss this shot.

And that's it for my entry for this weeks contest .
Have a good day, see you in the next one!

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