RE: announcing the 7th guess the shadow contest

Oh another incredibly easy one. I knew the instant I looked at the image that it was utterly obvious...

It's clearly a levitating land squid. Yes I've watched many a nature documentary about them and can state with absolute certainty that is what it is. I bet you thought you had me fooled with the rest of the image but I can decipher exactly what it is with the merest glance, You can see the squid trying to grab a hold of the witch who is riding a bicycle.

For some reason, I'm really not sure why, the witch appears to be wearing a Victorian style top hat. Maybe that is the latest fashion trend among the trendy magical types this season, who knows but I can see it as clear as crystal.

I 'duced' it you see.

I know one thing. My friend @gvkanten would have his own ideas of what this is. I gotta be honest, they would not be nearly as good as my guess but hey a guy can try. Sadly he is not here right now. If only there was some way to summon him!

Great contest again. Thanks for the opportunity to show that my guess absolutely has to be the right one! 😎👍

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