Entry for the Reflection Hunters Contest - Round 68

Entry for the Reflection Hunters Contest.
Hi Everyone!

Hunting the Reflection!
Below photo would love to nominate for this round! We went to a place where found a this interesting view and captured in our devices!

I was thinking if this pays me well I could be a full time reflection hunter πŸ˜ŽπŸ€”


By the time day was passing and we were spending our times there by gossiping and having fun with each other. This was a real view of village and rural life 🌱

I was shocked that one of my friend edited this for me ha ha ! Which looks so real but the sun did not reflect into water.

All these pictures has clicked by myself and the devices iPhone and I wish I could nominate these all pictures for this round πŸ’œ


The Shadow and Reflection Hunters Community is grateful to all who set the community as beneficiary on their posts.
If you would like to help the community, you may also delegate HP to @hive-179017. Your support will help in building higher VP and higher votes on your posts.

@jahidvor let’s join this round with your reflection photos as you already have clicked few of them. Believe @borobhai did the same

Thank you so much for reading me

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