The Shadow From Mama Mall. #Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest Round 323

Have you ever had people or places around you that you love so much? Are there such clicks of friends or neighbors or colleagues you take pleasure in spending time with? Such is the Mama shop down our street.

Mama is such a nice and friendly person. She accommodates happily. Our shop is a small spot we usually stay around to interact and gest. Mama is simply, gentle and loving. One thing about Mama’s life that touches me most is her understanding and meekness.

Every one of us could be described by the attitude and character we have. We either have people get close to us or see them run away from us. In a typical community settlement where people live and interact with one another easily, we see those who are sidelined and we also see those who have people playing and staying around them regularly.

Our way of life affects the way people like or dislike us. No matter how rich you may be, loneliness is not a desired option. When people drift away from you, it is because something about you irritates them. Lovingly staying together and interacting with others freely and with an open mind helps in improving one’s health.

I like coming over to Mama's shop because there is always a peaceful and funfull atmosphere there. Not always do I come there because I want to buy something, I come most times because there's an atmosphere of peaceful relaxation around Mama's shop.

Do people love staying around you? Are you good at keeping friends or are you a lone ranger? You will one day need people in your life. Every human is limited by the human formulation, let us not ignore or disdain others. Growing together and living in harmony will help in times of need.
Thank you for reading my blog today.

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