Seasons Of Enjoyment. #Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest Round 327

The season of enjoyment is in the air. I have been celebrating with a few of my friends who are Muslims. The popular Muslim festival just happened a few days ago. There have been many celebrations everywhere around our community. The prices of ram went up because that is the token of their celebration. Those who had been rearing the ram had the happiest season of their lives because the market really went well with them.

This bottle you see in my picture is that of a Maltina drink. It is a non-alcoholic drink. I had the privilege of drinking some from friends and neighbors. That is the bottle of enjoyment.😀🤣

Maybe you don't know, let me remind you that the Muslim festival where they usually kill ram to make their religious sacrifice was observed a few days ago. This festival is very important to the Muslim faithful. I do not know what they called it in their religious terms 😊 but I do know that this is the season of rams.

Being a Christian, many people do not like to associate with the Muslim faithfuls during their festivities. I am not a Muslim. I am a Christian. Most of my friends know that my family does not eat the ram meat. We refuse to share in their own religious practices because our God is believed to be different from theirs.

But one thing stands out in all these, we must relate well with those in our community. We must be good neighbors to our neighbors. We must relate well with them and share in their season of joy as well as their season of sorrow.

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