"The True Measure of a Person" : My entry for SHADOWS HUNTER CONTEST round 292

It was a cold winter evening. I was waiting for the mail train, which was late as usual. As I stood there, waiting, I noticed a man wearing a new shirt. He was going to meet his son who is studying in a college. I took a photo of the man and his shadow. It was a simple photo, but it captured something profound. It captured the idea that our external appearance is fleeting, but our essence remains the same.

We can evaluate a person by their clothes, their wealth or their social status. But these are all superficial things. They don't tell us anything about the true person inside. Our shadow, on the other hand, is always with us. It doesn't matter how much money we have or what clothes we wear. Our shadow is a reflection of our true selves. The man in the photo reminded me of this important lesson. He was wearing a new shirt, but his shadow was still the same. This shows that our external appearance is not what matters most. It is our inner qualities that define us. I'm glad I took that photo. It is a reminder that we should not judge people by their external appearances. We should look beyond the surface and see the true person inside.

"Thanks for reading."

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