Shadow Hunters/SMASh Contest- Round 241

Hola,mi comunidad de cazadores de sombras, he tenido mucho trabajo y mucho correr de acá para allá (Acá le decimos corri-corri) y no he tenido tiempo de salir de cacería...pero si supieran cómo he extrañado esta actividad. Vi una sombra que me atrapó, y aunque estaba detuve, apunté,disparé y acá traigo la presa...espero les agrade.

Hello, my community of Shadowhunters, I have had a lot of work and a lot of running from here to there (Here we call it ran-ran) and I have not had time to go hunting... but if you knew how I have missed this activity. I saw a shadow that caught me, and although I was in a hurry...I stopped, aimed, shot and here I bring the prey...I hope you like it.

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