My Entry To Shadow Hunters/SMASh Contest- Round 278

Una sombra simétrica /A symmetrical shadow

Hola, comunidad, esta semana voy a participar con la sombra de un nuevo modelo: un minino. Un gatito minúsculo (que aún no sabemos si es macho o hembra, es difícil saberlo con los gatos) Me acordé del viejo programa humorístico “El Chavo” donde ese personaje decía que era muy fácil saber si era gato o gata porque uno simplemente le hacía cariño y si se ponía contento era gato, mientras que si se ponía contenta era gata. Bien, le hice cariño y se puso feliz… lo que me dejó con la misma duda…ja, ja, ja.

Hello community, this week I'm going to participate with the shadow of a new model: a pussycat. A tiny kitten (we still don't know if it's male or female, it's hard to tell that with cats) I remembered the old humorous show "El Chavo" where that character said it was very easy to tell if it was male or female because you simply asked it honey and if it was "contento" (happy male) it was a cat, while if it was "contenta" (happy female) it was a she - cat. Well, I made love to it and it was "feliz" (happy) and since the word "feliz" (happy) is used for both males and females, I was left with the same doubt... ha ha ha.

Si deseas participar en este concurso convocado por @melinda010100, haz clic acá para que conozcas sus bases.

If you wish to participate in this contest organized by @melinda010100, click here so that you know its rules.

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