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It Is My Shadow To Shadow Hunters/SMASh Contest-Round 226

Hola, amigos, el domingo iba temprano a la iglesia a la cual asisto, con mi guitarra, ya que toco en la Misa, de pronto visualicé una figura "fantasmal"...waoooo...tremenda sombra. Así que me detuve a capturarla para ustedes.

Hello, friends, on Sunday I went early to the church I attend, with my guitar, since I play at Mass, suddenly I visualized a "ghostly" figure...waoooo...tremendous shadow. So I stopped to capture it for you.

Fotografié la imagen desde dos ángulos diferentes.

I photographed the image from two different angles.

Y esta es la reja que dio origen a la sombra. Interesantes las sombras pequeñas pegadas a ella. Invito a mi amigo @josevas217 a participar en este original concurso. Sólo debe hacer clic acá para leer sus bases

And this is the fence that gave rise to the shadow. Interesting little shadows clinging to it. I invite my friend @josevas217 to participate in this original contest. Just click here and read its rules