Good Morning Reflection - My Entry for the Reflection Hunters #130

Waking up early in Tokyo is awesome. In one of the most populous cities in the world it's not often you can fine spaces empty of people, except early in the morning.

While out for my morning walk today I grabbed a few pictures of the empty streets and this reflection in stone.

(My entry)
The granite reflects just as glass would due to the polished silica content in the granite.

When I wasn't looking for reflections I was wondering what people who do not live in Japan would find interesting.

The dense, empty city street?

The alien architecture?

The morning sky?

Or just your average sidewalk?

Compared to the USA, everything is different. It's surreal, every time I bounce between worlds I feel like I'm in some Sci-fi story, a stranger in a strange land. Most of the time it's great, but there are times when it can be stressful, thankfully those times are far and few. Now, off to have an adventure downtown!

Thank you to @olgavita for hosting Reflection Hunters every week!

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