Cowboys To The Ramparts! Entry for the Shadow Hunters Contest 208

Cowboys To The Ramparts! Entry for the Shadow Hunters Contest 208

As I mentioned in my Reflection Hunters Post I went to Odawara castle. I took this picture for Shadow Hunters because we need more cowboys and castles. Cowboys to the ramparts! Yeehaw Bonzai!


In my post yesterday, Odawara Castle I wrote a bit about the history of the castle. There were 3 great battles here in 1561, 1569 & 1590. The first two were repelled, but the last battle succeeded in beating the Hojo clan that ruled the castle. That battle involved 150,000 soldiers who performed a 3 month siege of the castle forcing the Hojo clan to surrender. There were no cowboys in that time though.

I always thought cowboys & samurai would make a cool movie and Odawara castle would make a great setting for one.

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