SMASh Contest Entry Round 208

Hi all member of Shadow Hunters community,

I am delighted to be entering again the shadow hunter contest. By looking at the title, it is now Shadow Hunters contest round 208. For this round, I want to share the following pictures.

This picture was taken when I was on my way for lunch at Midvalley Megamall last Friday. The time was around 12.30pm. Before I can get to Midvalley Megamall, i need to go through The Garden Mall first.

There are two way of getting to Midvalley Megamall, (i) using the interconnecting basement level, or (ii), using the interconnecting bridge at level 1. Usually I will be using the interconnecting basement because it is much shorter.

But that day i feel like taking the interconnecting bridge. While walking towards Midvalley, I saw these seven stone balls just below the interconnecting bridge. The stone balls has been there for more than 10 years.

I can see that there was a small shadow cast under the stone ball. From far, the shadow was almost not visible. I took out my smartphone, and photograph the stone balls from far.




That's all for today. Thank you for reading and have a nice day!!

Rosmadi Razali

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