Shadow Hunter Contest - Round 267

Hi to all the Shadow Hunter community members,

I am really thrilled to share my submission for the Shadow Hunter contest round 267. This is a photograph of my brother-in-law's house gate shadows. For me, the shadows cast by the gate are interesting enough to be shared with the community.

This week is the celebration of Eid. On the fourth day of Eid, my wife and I were invited to her brother's house for dinner. As we arrived, we were warmly greeted.

My brother-in-law treated us to an array of traditional dishes such as lemang, ketupat, and soto. Lemang and ketupat are the most common and delicious meals typically enjoyed during Eid.

After dinner, we rest and chit-chat for a while. We went back at 10 pm and then is when I noticed the shadow.


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