My Entry for the Reflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 117

Yesterday, I shared my train journey in a post. Click here to check it out. In this whole journey, I was busy in capturing the beauty of Pakistan. The train went through the villages and cities and it was really nice to watch all those views.


While taking pictures, my mobile battery went low and then I used the cell phone of my bro to take more pictures.
I didn’t shared all of the pictures in my previous post, I kept the ones with reflection for this post to have my entry in the Reflection Hunters Contest.



Taking picture in a moving train is not easy and I am not a professional photographer however, I have a passion, a hobby to take some nice pictures and share it on Hive. I am happy that I succeeded in taking some nice clicks, don’t know what experts going to say about these pictures lol
The main and common source of reflection is water, I tried to take and capture some flat landscape from the windows of the train.

My Entry for the Reflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 117



Then, I availed the opportunity to take pictures from the open door in a moving train which is very risky. While I was busy in taking pictures, I saw the reflection on the glass of the door. It was looking really nice. The dust and wind was slapping me real hard due to which I couldn’t stand there for a long time however, I saw many people who don’t have fear of falling and stood there for a longer period.


This is the picture of railway station. I just want to ask if I am the only one who finds a reflection on the floor as it is so well cleaned up and shiny or it is visible to you all and you agree with me that it has the reflection of people sitting over there.

Here is the video of a train passing over a bridge. It has some nice reflections as well.



I hope you all enjoyed my reflection hunting and hope to get back with some other interesting reflections in upcoming contest. Cheers!!

All above pictures are taken by me through my and my brother's cell phone Moto E4 and Infinix Hot8 respectively.

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