My entry for reflection hunter contest round #176. lotus plants with great reflections

Hello to my # ReflectionHunters friends. Happy Thursday to all hives. Some days ago when i was feeling bore in my home i decided for outing near the village. I left my home with a bike . Just traveling 10 minutes i reached village areas where i found everywhere greeneries . I feel very well. My mood had changed now. I observed there pure natural sceneries.

Lotus plants reflection

At once, i saw many plants with flowers which were located western side. I went closely to this place. I sat there . Soft wind was blowing . I was much attractive to find these beautiful plants with reflections . These reflections made on the surface of water. These reflections shape are like a heart. Very amazing shapes .

For finding clear pictures i went to down took close reflection photos of that plants. These are lotus plants. These plants produce in the water where water stored till many months. In my village these plants grow very much . They are just go 25 cm in length and just 0. 0001 thickness. Majority of their leaves flown on the surface of water. Their flowers are much beautiful .

Sun reflection on the surface of river water

In the morning time when i was on the walk . I reach near at the river. There i clicked some photos of the Sun and surrounding sceneries. Look the Sun wih reflection photo. Sun made reflecion thrice time on the surface of the river water.

Tree and water's plannts reflection

look another reflection of plants . some trees and crops are grown at the edge of the river water. The plants are grown in the river water have a awesome reflection photos on the surface of river water.
Thanks for coming to my blog. I hope you will enjoy my reflections journey . Thanks all friends. Ok take care see you next time soon.

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