Shadow Contest 311

Hey Everyone, Hope You are all fine and all doing great.
Today I am sharing my contribution towards shadow Contest 311.
In previous Contests I can't participate because I have a family wedding and Have to take part so now I hope so You all will like my contribution.
Here is the image of my daughter's toy car.

That was a gift for my daughter and she is now just 1.5 years old and still she doesn't like to ride.
Kids like such toys and its color is also attractive.
I have a lawn in my home so kids play on soft grass.
In winters, I will honestly said that I didn't take care of my lawn😑.
I know that's not good but in winters my daughter mostly play on grass and got illness. That's why I didn't watered the grass and You can see the grass turns yellow and rough.
Now spring is arriving and we all will enjoy the freshness of flowers.
Hope You like my contribution and
Have a great day to all.

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