Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest Round 324 "own moments"

Hello Hive community.

I hope you all are fine. I am also fine here. So my post today is based on the contest. In which the contact also comes and the natural scene is also captured. The first photograph in my post today is for the Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest Round 324 run by @melinda010100. Shadow hunters contest is my favorite contest and I love participating in it every now and then. Some of my photographs are not so good that I win but yes, I definitely love to participate in them.

Nowadays, time has become so fast that even if a person wants to take time for himself, he has to think when will he relax. If you can't take time for yourself, then there is nothing worse in this world. Try to understand my point a little deeper. Because this is not an easy thing to understand. Wake up in the morning in time to prepare the daily schedule. Be it children, youth or old people, after getting involved accordingly.

Let me talk a little outside of my post today. I often wonder what happens to the human body after death. Its answer is well given in Garuda Purana in Hindu scriptures. That is the soul which is immortal and never dies. It leaves one body and enters another. Apart from that, he gets the fruits according to the deeds done in his time period. Hindu scriptures say so. So my point is that our body is leased to the soul for some time. When the time of the body is over, it will go elsewhere after enjoying the fruits of its karma. So we should do something for the welfare of our souls. Or else the soul will have to endure the pains of birth and death for millions of years. So I believe that soul welfare work should be done. The work of soul welfare is done only by Prabhu Bhajan. Therefore, out of 24 hours of the day, if not more than 1 hour of Prabhu Bhajan should be left.

You will know the truth of the things that I have talked about in the last part of your life. That we have lived and the time has come to go but we have not done anything for the welfare of our souls. These things are a little difficult, but if you think and read the scriptures, you will understand them.

Today I have expressed my heart here. These things are a little different from my today's topic but I did not want to live today so I expressed.I hope that my post will be accepted for the Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest round 324.

I sincerely thank you for visiting and reading my post.

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