Beautiful Natural Scenery.

Hello Hive community.

I hope you all are fine. I am also fine here. Today's post photos are for Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest Round 328. This is the Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest run by @melinda010100. In the photographs of today's post, the beauty of nature is captured, along with the rules for participating in the Shadow Hunters contest are also covered in these photographs. If you read my posts regularly, you must have realized that I love to capture natural scenes. In the first photograph of today's post in which I have captured the beauty of nature, I have tried to cover the road in one frame as well. At the same time flags were planted on the road side which were waving in the air. The shadow of that flag has also been captured in the camera. To be honest, I made no effort to take photographs capturing this shadow. I just wanted to capture the natural scene and the road in the camera. But the shadow on the side of the road has also been captured well.

I never share a photograph in my post. I always share more than one photograph to make my post better. At least 3 photographs along with the experience I had, I am presenting here with you in brief. In these photographs, 2 places have been captured by shadows. One is where the flags in front cast their shadows on the road. Then another shadow has come across the mountains due to the clouds. Shadows are common in this phenomenon. The main topic of the contest that I am participating in today is the shadow.

The clouds have come down so much that it has become a structure that has covered the mountain as well. I hope you will like my photography of this natural scene. Also I hope that my post will pass to be able to participate in the Shadow Hunters contest. I participate in the Shadow Hunters contest every week out of necessity. Couldn't do any good in the last 2 rounds. But this time, I hope that the selectors of Shadow Hunters contest will like my photographs.

My first photograph is for this contest. In the rest of the photographs, I had the opportunity to capture natural scenes and shadows, so let me present them here.

I hope that my post will be accepted for the Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest round 328.

I sincerely thank you for visiting and reading my post.

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