SMASh 268: Capturing My Shadow At The Beautiful Pathway


As I captured my shadow at the pathway today, here is a Haiku for a beautiful day.

Of pink hues I love,
Chasing my own shadow's art,
Pathway's captured act.

Yes, the shadow is me. And it is me, pinkchic, who loves all pink hues. I am wearing a mini dress, a hat, a backpack, and my white sneakers.

But can you guess the color of my dress? Well, it is one of my favorite colors, and I so love it for being so bright.

It was a hard day for me to pick something to wear from my closet before I went out because it seemed I loved to wear them all. But the one I was wearing was comfy. I need to wear relaxed wears because it is hot in my country for the summer season.

Perhaps my colors reflect my mood, and I feel happy today. Although I cannot deny the fact that I am still having a gloomy heart, there are still more reasons to be comfortable for this day, and one thing is for sure, I have been in the wild heart of nature. I love to go offline in serenity as I feel the defeaning silence of a place with luscious scenery.

And then, on my way going home, I dropped by a rainforest farm with a beautiful cemented pathway. It was around 4 o’clock, and the Sun was about to go down.

When we were about to go home, I saw myself on the pathway. I was about to step on the well-designed path with earthly colors, but I noticed my shadow going ahead of me.

So I paused and stopped for a while. I then captured my shadows with a candid pose. Perhaps today is one of my most priceless moments for capturing my shadow.

Disclaimer: All texts and pictures are my own unless otherwise stated.

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