Autumn Reflections fot Reflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 39


Reflections can be found everywhere, even on a puddle on the city asphalt and even in such a dull weather that we always have at this time of a year in Estonia.

For a short time, the clouds parted and the sun came out. The pine tree near the sports complex was so high that its reflection appeared in the puddles. The sun is now low even at noon, so the shadow was long and the reflection of the pine tree was clear at various distances from it, even on a distant puddle.

Отражения можно найти везде, даже в луже на городском асфальте и даже в такую ненастную погоду, какая всегда бывает в это время года в Эстонии.

На короткое время тучи разошлись, и выглянуло солнце. Сосна у спортивного комплекса была такой высокой, что отражение ее появилось в лужах. Солнце сейчас низкое даже в полдень, так что тень была длинной, и отражение сосны было четким на разных расстояниях от неё, и даже в отдаленной луже.





The reflection of the same pine tree but now it was on the glass of the Sports Complex. By the way, the sky became overcast again very quickly, and all the reflections became dull and completely uninteresting, so I was just lucky to get some shots.

Отражение той же сосны, но теперь уже на стекле спорткомплекса. Кстати, небо очень быстро снова затянуло тучами, и эти отражения стали тусклыми и совсем неинтересными, так что мне просто повезло сделать несколько снимков.


This is my entry to Round 39 of the Reflection Hunters Contest "Show Me A Reflection" hosted by @annephilbrick.

This contest was created inside the Shadow Hunters Community (started and holding by @melinda010100) to help it grow. If you are a shadow or a reflection hunter, you are welcome to visit the page of the community @hive-179017. You will find as contests as a lot of wonderful photos of talented hivers there.

The link for the contest is here: Contest

REFLECTIONS can be found EVERYWHERE all over the WORLD!


🍁 🌲 🍂 I wish good luck to every participant 🍁 🌲 🍂
The pictures were taken with the camera of my smartphone Huawei P9 and published via @ecency.

5% earned by this post go as beneficiary to @hive-179017 with my love ❤️

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