Shadow Hunters/SMASh Contest Round 327 || Clothes On The Rob

Greetings to you all dear great hunters, nice knowing you are there joining the SMASH CONTEST #327.

Oh! So painful that I missed smash contest #326!

Well I take solace in the fact that Shadow contest is one of the oldest contests on the Hive Blockchain which have been running for almost six years and regularly pays out rewards for awesome shadows hunters.
This continues to built my trust on the contest and the organizers, and because of that, I don't want to miss any of the contest.

Be that as it may, permit me to usher in my contest picture for this round of shadow contest

In this raining season laundry sometimes can be challenging because of the frequent rains that somehow does not allow the sun to shine coupled with lack of electricity for over a months and two weeks now, so each time the run rises up, those who washed will quickly hung their clothes to dry. This have enable me to get this picture and the shadow of my neighbor's clothes as he display his clothes soon as the weather is with a brilliant sunshine today.

The fact remains that Shadow are almost everywhere, both day and night, home and office, road and farms, you only need to be conscious of it to get it when you come across it.

Though I am not a professional photographer with expensive camera as well as the technique to take professional shots, I still try using my cell phone to take pictures to use for the contest.

Like I do say, I often wonder if shadows were to be bought with money, how will shadow hunters be doing? But God gave it to us free. What a wonderful giver we have.

Thanks to @melinda010100 for taking the bold steps in bringing this awesome contest to bear and allowing a handful of shadow hunters lovers to participate, and @annephilbrick who established this contest and keep supporting it.

And thank you for stopping by my blog. Do have a wonderful contest experience.

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