Shadow Hunt - Large Fruit : SMASh Contest - Round 324


How are you doing, dear shadow hunter?

Time passes so fast, June has started and seems to run too quick to the end. It is proper to engage regularly with the audience of photolovers.

It is with pleasure that I share in my entry to the Shadow hunt contest, the fruit of life my favorite Pineapples.

In the quest to hunt a clear shadow, I have been creative.


The weather rarely gifts the town this moment of bright shiny sun rays.

Time is perfect for the shadow hunting adventure

The photo above is my entry in the contest. I appreciate this opportunity allowing the publication of Shadows.

I went shopping in the morning. I bought many fruits, pineapple was the largest among the entire chart of food.

My favorite fruit is Pineapple first because it is sweet and after the juice and the fiber you can also dry the external membrane for later use in medicinal recipe.

The shadow of the fruit on the cement and in the hand of the photographer.

My friends and close one have two big Pineapples to appreciate during the course of the day.

It is going to be super sweet beverage at the rest hour.

Thank you for your attention reading this post.

I am looking forward to welcoming such a patient audience, when my next article is available in the community.

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Submit your entry in the contest here

You can read a lot more article on my official page here on Hive Official Page


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