Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest-Round 204

My new collection Shadow photography


Hello friends, I hope you are all well. I collected some shadow photography while visiting my girlfriend's garden. Which I am sharing with you. The sun is not visible in winter and public life is being disrupted for a few days. In the meantime, when one day I suddenly saw the sun. Just then I collected some shade pictures from the garden.


It has become my habit to collect different types of photography at one stage while collecting photography. I am always collecting new photography and I am really happy to present it to you. So today I have come up with some photography to differentiate between you.


At ten o'clock in the morning, after finishing my housework, I left for my girlfriend's house. I have not seen him for several days. To meet him, I went to their garden and took him for a walk. To see if there are any new flowers in the garden.


Many types of flowers bloom in winter in our country. So I saw many flowers in their garden. Seeing the flowers I collected flower photography. Along with that I have collected these tree and shade photography.


Today I have shared with you some of the strange shadow photography that I have collected. Mistakes will be forgiven. If you like the pictures, please let me know in the comments.

camera / samsung

48 / Mega pixel

Location / Bangladesh

Edit / Picsart

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